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Dear Visitor,

Welcome and enjoy my paintings.


I was born in 1957 in Castelsarrasin, a small French town. My logo represents its cathedral, which features a rare octagonal bell tower


After a 42 years long career in the railway industry in France and around the world, I have retired in South Africa.

I have had the privilege to visit multiple countries, both for work and tourism. Just to name a few of the countries I lived in or visited: France, Spain, Italy, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philippines, Vietnam, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Oman, Jordan, USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Switzerland,...


After such an exciting and worldly lifestyle, I am now delighted that my main reason to wake up in the morning is painting. I am really enjoying painting for myself and for others.

Some of my paintings represent landmarks and places I had the chance to see with my own eyes. Others deal with subjects I find some interest in at a point in time or are made on request.


So if you are interested in any of my paintings, either an existing one or one you would like me to consider doing for you, please get in touch via the link at the bottom of this page and we will review your project together.


In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy the extracts of my work that I am displaying in my virtual Studio on this website. Have a wonderful day!

My latest production
Completed on Dec 2023

Start a series of Big 5
91 x 61 cm acrylic on canvas



Johannesburg. South Africa.

083 5745 882

Price of painting on request. Please contact me on the Virtual Studio page.

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